Haworthia minima


A multi headed, highly pattered succulent.

Haworthia are great succulents for indoor plant lovers with similar needs to Sansevieria. Their compact nature, slow growth and decorative leaves make them a brilliant choice for those looking for impact without too much hard work. 

500.00 KSh 500.0 KES 500.00 KSh VAT Included

500.00 KSh VAT Included

Not Available For Sale

  • Size

This combination does not exist.

Size: Size 4

Plant care

This plant needs the following:


Bright indirect light. 


Water when the soil is completely dry, soak throughly and then drain excess water. 


A nice bright spot near a window or a bright work desk. 

Is this plant for you?

Some features of this plant...

Stays Small

A plant that won't take over the house and only needs repotting every 3-5 years. 

Top Tip

Water Haworthias from below by placing in a basin of water and allow the plant to take on the water it needs. 

Pet Safe

Haworthia are non toxic to pets.