Ficus benjamina

One of the most common indoor trees worldwide.

The Ficus benjamina is a familiar sight in offices and shopping centres the world over. They can thrive indoors but do need a good sunny position to thrive. If they don't get the light they need they will begin to drop leaves. If you're looking for an larger easy indoor plant then we'd suggest a Synognium or Epipremnum instead.

2,000.00 KSh 2000.0 KES 2,000.00 KSh VAT Included

2,000.00 KSh VAT Included

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Plant care

This plant needs the following:


Bright indirect light. Will tolerate bright light for the morning or late afternoon only, not midday sun.


Needs a consistent watering schedule. Keep soil evenly moist but don't allow plant to sit in excess water.


A spot in a window with a broad view of they sky. As you shouldn't move this plant, make sure it's not in the way!

Is this plant for you?

What you should know...

Drops leaves

Leaves are prone to dropping, especially if care isn't spot on. Be aware that leaf litter may need to be tidied if choosing for an office.

Top tip

Ficus benjamina's don't like to moved. Once you've found somewhere they thrive try to keep them in the same spot.


Ficus benjamina's are heavy feeders. Apply fertiliser with water every other watering. Our Vermiliquid is a great choice.