Crassula rogersii

A Crassula...but even cuter (is that possible?)

I just write the copy for the website, I'm not meant to have favourites. But I do! How could any plant lover resist this Crassula variety covered with minuscule hairs?

350.00 KSh 350.0 KES 350.00 KSh VAT Included

350.00 KSh VAT Included

Not Available For Sale

  • Size

This combination does not exist.

Size: Size 2

Plant care

This plant needs the following:


Bright light to bright indirect light. 


Water well when soil is completely dry to the touch and drain any excess to avoid root rot. 


A window with as wide a view of the sky as possible is best. 

Is this plant for you?

Some features of this plant...

Stays Small

This plant is a slow grower so won't overtake a space any time soon. 

African Origin

Originates from South Africa. 

Great for Busy People

Some plants tolerate neglect. As long as Crassula has good sun it will forgive a missed watering or two.