Crassula ovata undulata

The much loved Jade curly form!

Known as they Curly Jade plant, this is a great addition for anyone that reaps the rewards of this cute and forgiving plants. 
If you find a spot with enough sun these little ones will let you do just about anything. But if the light is too dark then there's every chance of root rot, even if you think you're watering sparingly. 

350.00 KSh 350.0 KES 350.00 KSh VAT Included

350.00 KSh VAT Included

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Plant care

This plant needs the following:


Bright to bright indirect light. 


Water when soil is completely dry to the touch and drain any excess water after watering to avoid root rot. 


In a window with as wide a view of the sky as possible. 

Is this plant for you?

Some features of this plant...

Stays Small

This plant is slow growing and can take upwards of 20 years to reach heights of 1-2ft. 

Top Tip 

If leaves go soft and squishy you may have overwatered...let the soil dry out before the next watering. 

Great for Busy People

Some plants tolerate neglect. As long as Crassula ovata have good sun they should be fine if you forget the odd watering.