Kalanchoe tomentosa 'Cinnamon'


500.00 KSh 500.0 KES 500.00 KSh VAT Included

500.00 KSh VAT Included

Not Available For Sale

  • Size

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Size: Size 3

Plant care

This plant needs the following:


Bright indirect light (for at least 6 hours)


Water when the soil is dry to the touch (ideally by submerging the bottom in water).


A placement near a window with a good broad view of the sky.

Is this plant for you?

Some features of this plant...

Slow Growing

This plant is relatively slow growing making it great for those look to save space (and time repotting).


If you notice your Panda plant getting leggy you should move it to a place with more sun.

Top Tip

Kalanchoe prefer to be bottom watered. Avoid getting the leaves wet as this can lead to rot.